Reframing the Prophetic
The book is here!
by Christine Westhoff
The Power of Prophecy
Reframing the Prophetic: A Biblical Observation of an Ancient Gift is a compelling exploration of the prophetic gift within the context of Christian faith. Westhoff highlights the importance of distinguishing between genuine prophetic utterances and cultural influences that have distorted the gift's true purpose. Through her narrative, she invites readers to rediscover the prophetic as a vital part of their spiritual life and witness. Reframing the Prophetic is an invitation to engage deeply with the Holy Spirit while learning to embrace the prophetic gift beyond superficial understanding. It will lead you through the scripture as you observe the transformative power of prophecy in advancing the Gospel and the collective mission of the church.
“This is a beautifully written and comprehensive overview of the subject itself, alongside practical teaching for anyone seeking to grow in the prophetic gift personally ... and the healthy interface between prophetic ministry and the local church”
—Pete Greig, founder, 24-7 Prayer International, and senior pastor, Emmaus Rd, England
“Chris is a voice I trust.”
—Danielle Strickland, author, speaker, advocate
“[A] wise, mature, biblically grounded guide to the practice of prophecy.”
—Dr Lucy Peppiatt, principal, WTC Theology, UK
Unveiling the True Purpose and Power of the Prophetic Gift
In this insightful podcast, author Christine Westhoff shares her journey of redefining the prophetic gift through a biblical lens. She discusses the importance of aligning the prophetic with its true purpose of bringing the people of God back to the covenant and explores the deep connection between art and prophecy. Westhoff also addresses the need for prophetic accountability, the dangers of mixing politics with the prophetic, and the exciting reformation taking place within the charismatic movement. Discover the transformative power of the prophetic as Westhoff invites readers to dive deeper into humility, submission, and community. "Reframing the Prophetic" challenges misconceptions and offers a fresh perspective on this ancient gift.
About the Author
Christine Westhoff has been involved in international leadership within 24-7 Prayer since 2009 and is known as one of the leading prophetic voices in the movement. She travels extensively to build up, teach, and coach churches and ministries globally. She is a trained spiritual director, personality coach, as well as the president and founder of Akouo Missions, overseeing three international ministries. She has authored and created the Reframing The Prophetic course, featuring twenty-three expert theologians, teachers, missionaries, and leaders from worldwide. This course has been serving prophetically gifted people, pastors, and leaders of communities around the world since 2021, guiding them into a deeper understanding of the prophetic, its true purpose, and its healthy function. Visit for more information.
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Reframing the Prophetic Course
Dynamic 12-module course that delves into the fullness of the prophetic gift as depicted in the Bible, featuring insights from over 25 global leaders, extensive study and group discussions, to cultivate a contemporary understanding of prophetic roles and their power in today's world.
  • 12 Modules
  • 59 Lessons
  • 23 Teachers
  • $480
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Reframing Discernment Course
This online course, led by 12 global leaders, offers an in-depth exploration of Christian discernment, emphasizing its role in aligning with God's will through interactive group study and biblical reflection.
  • 5 Sessions
  • 34 Lessons
  • 12 Teachers
  • $200
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